Apple Adds NFL Highlights to iTMS

S AN FRANCISCO, CA -- Late on Monday night, Apple added a new feature to the iTunes Music Store called NFL Wild Card Highlights. NFL Wild Card Essentials offer short audio books for this weekis NFL games.

Highlights are 2-3 minute audio books of information about recent NFL football games. Each Highlight is priced at US$.95, and is delivered in the form of an Audio Book.

The NFL Wild Card Highlights home page
Click the image for a larger view

A sample NFL Highlight
Click the image for a larger view

Like iTMS songs, you can listen to a preview of any of the games highlighted. As of this writing, TMO staffers had intermittent success testing those previews and accessing the NFL Wild Card Highlights. Note, however, that this was before Apple made any announcements about the new features, and could have been during testing by Apple.

We will update this page with any additional information if and when Apple officially announces the new feature.

[Correction: The article originally reported iTunes Essentials as a new feature, too. This is incorrect, however, as iTunes Essentials were launched in December. The article has been corrected accordingly, and weid like to thank the Guest note below for keeping us on our toes. - Editor]