Apple Now Producing iMac In Volume. The catch? $100 Price Hike.

A t the MACWORLD Tokyo keynote, Steve Jobs announced that iMacs were now in production with iover 5,000i shipping per day. However, component costs have caused a $100 price increase across the board. From the Apple press release:

"Customer demand for the new iMac has been off the charts and we have simply been unable to keep up with it. We are now in volume production, shipping over 5,000 new iMacs per day, and hope to catch up with demand soon," said Steve Jobs, Apple?s CEO. "We appreciate our customersi and resellersi patience during this ramp-up period."

Additionally, due to the recent dramatic rise in component pricing, each of the new modelsi prices have risen accordingly.

"Rapidly increasing component costs is an industry-wide issue right now. Since the new iMacis launch in January, memory costs have tripled and flat-panel costs have increased twenty-five percent, with little relief in sight," said Philip Schiller, Apple?s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Some manufacturers are de-configuring their models in response to these rising costs - reducing memory and disk drive capacity, for example. Weive chosen to raise prices by $100 and stick with our three fully-configured new iMac models."

You can read the full release at Appleis website.