August 17th, 2000

There are lots of great articles, and some really bad ones, on the Internet. Though we link to all of them at MacOS News Around The Web, some of them deserve special mention here. Most of what we will mention within these pages will be among the best, but on occasion we will talk about articles that are so bad or so wrong we just have to say something. Consider them mini-editorials on our part about things we think you might also be interested in.

Best [1:00 PM] Arizona Central: Mac Reality Check - Are multiprocessors sleight of hand?
There have been a host of stories/opinions/columns regarding the current state of the G4 and its anemic clock-rate, as well as how the MP machines may or may not provide a real-world performance boost. This article cuts through the fiction and draws some pretty logical conclusions. Our favorite quote from the article:

Apple will go one better when they finally deliver Mac OS X, which will have built-in support for symmetric multiprocessing, kind of an automatic sharing of tasks.

If all goes as planned, itill mean that Mac users will be able to soon benefit from that extra brain power without having to buy software specially updated for the feature.

Donit get me wrong, I would still take one. :-) Reviewer - Kyle DiAddario

Best [1:00 PM] Macinstein - Mac Sensationalism
Now, I can be the first to admit that nobody has been more harsh toward Macinstein than me. However, I will also recognize when they post an exceptional piece, and today is such a day. This column gives readers a little bit of a "behind the scenes" look at what goes into a Mac web site. In the world of the Web, linked titles are the first, and often only, thing that people will see. So, it is a delicate balance to entice readers into reading what we have to say without over dramatizing something simple. Our favorite quote from the article:

The stories we think will get a rise out of people or those we think would be breaking news, go over like lead balloons on Jupiter. The ones that are just muddled through, ranting about some random nugget of the Mac community, gain all the attention. Go figure.

Truer words have never been spoken. Reviewer - Kyle DiAddario

You can find these links, and lots of other links for Mac and Tech Industry stories, at MacOS News Around The Web.