Broke Mac Mountain

"I wish I knew how to quit you," he said in a distraught voice. A confused cowboy talking to his lover? Hardly, this is one Mac user complaining to his consultant about needing to exit a run away program. An obvious play on Ang Leeis Oscar-nominated Brokeback Mountain, this scenario comes to us courtesy of a parody cleverly called Broke Mac Mountain, a short tale of a Mac user, his Mac, and a consultant there to help him, complete with imagery and music taken from the real movie.

The parody was produced by Mighty McPilgrim, a four-person comedy team from Los Angeles. The piece was made to help promote the troupe, with an iMac G5 as one of the unofficial costars.

"This is a very short parody of the critically acclaimed Ang Lee film Brokeback Mountain," Mighty McPilgrimis site said. "It was shot, as usual, with painstaking detail to replicate the sweeping panoramas and majestic beauty of Mr. Leeis cinematography. Seriously. We spared no expense."

"I wish I knew how to quit you..."

You can find the full short at the Mighty McPilgrim Web site.