C-Command Updates SpamSieve With Emailer And Eudora Support

C-Command has released an update for SpamSieve, bringing it to version 1.2. SpamSieve is a Spam filtering app designed for Mailsmith and Entourage email client programs. The update features numerous enhancements including Emailer and Eudora support. According to C-Command:

SpamSieve 1.2 is now available.

Like your professional e-mail client, but jealous of Mail.appis spam filter? SpamSieve brings powerful Bayesian spam filtering to other popular e-mail clients. It learns what your spam looks like, so it can block nearly all of it.

It also learns what your good messages look like, so it wonit confuse them with spam. Other spam filters get worse over time as spammers adapt to their rules; SpamSieve actually gets better over time as you train it with more messages.

New in Version 1.2:

  • Added support for Emailer and Eudora (5.2 and later)
  • Decodes base64 and quoted-printable text parts, thus finding words that spammers try to hide from anti-spam software
  • Keeps track of the messages added to the corpus, and can optionally prevent you from adding the same message more than once (biasing the counts). Thus, you no longer have to remember which messages youive already added
  • You can now "undo" adds to the corpus, e.g. if you added a message as good when you meant to add it as spam
  • Can now add messages to the corpus as they are filtered, so after the initial training you only have to add messages when SpamSieve makes a mistake
  • When filtering a message, SpamSieve can optionally check whether the message is in the corpus. If it is, SpamSieve looks up the answer rather than trying to predict
  • Keeps a log of additions to the corpus, filtering results, and errors
  • When you add spam messages to the corpus, can optionally move them to a Spam folder
  • Added status indicators in the Dock icon (like Norton DiskLight)
  • Improved the manualis instructions for e-mail client integration

You can find more information about the SpamSieve update at the C-Command Web site. SpamSieve 1.2 is available for US$10.00.