Dvorak Weighs in on MacBook Air

The shift from desktop systems to notebooks has happened because powerful notebooks can replace the desktop, according to John Dvorak in a story at MarketWatch. Because the MacBook Air suffers from lack of speed and expandability, it wonit be much of a success.

"While light and cool-looking, the machine suffers from lack of connectivity and the ability for expansion. It doesnit have a PC Card slot and sports but a single USB connector. The batteries cannot be removed or swapped out, and the machine is just underpowered," Mr. Dvorak wrote.

Mr. Dvorak attributed part of Appeis stock decline to the leaks surrounding the sub-notebook. "Everyone knew a really light computer was going to be announced, so they began to dream up all sorts of cool aspects to the thing." A removeable touch screen was one such item that Mr. Dvorak imagined with another editor.

When all the cool stuff that was imagined for the computer didnit show up, there was sense of disappointment, according to Mr. Dvorak.

TMO notes that the MacBook Air stands on its own as a great computer for a specific group of customers. Criticizing it for that is pointless, and the real question may be that Apple traditonally steers away from niche products that it doesnit think will have broad appeal and justify a big investment in the product line. Only Apple knows the answer, and now we wait for the sales numbers.