Finder Selection Tool Made "1" Better

Frank Reiff Software announced A Better Finder Select version 2.1. The update to the Finder enhancement introduces selection by creation and modification date. According to Frank Reiff:

A Better Finder Select supports regular expression, wildcard and partial name matching along with many other features. The program also serves as a sophisticated selection front-end to the other tools in the A Better Finder series.

A Better Finder Select" is a contextual menu plug-in for the Macintosh Finder, which allows users to quickly select all files matching a given criteria. The utility supports selection based on the name, type and creator of a file. Linux type wildcard based selection is also supported.

A Better Finder Select is a simple, yet surprisingly powerful utility which is fully integrated into the Macintosh Finder.

A Better Finder Select is available for US$9.95 for individual users, US$49.95 for site licenses and US$74.95 for world-wide licenses. You can find more information as well as a download link at Frank Reiffis site.