Google's Amit Singh Unveils MacFUSE

Googleis Amit Singh posted a Blog entry on Thursday about the File System in User Space (FUSE) project for Mac OS X called MacFUSE. He wrote: "FUSE makes it possible to implement a very functional file system in a normal program rather than requiring a complex addition to the operating system." Mr. Singh is the author of the popular book, "Mac OS X Internals" and is Googleis Mac Engineering Manager.

FUSE was originally created for Linux and has now been ported to FreeBSD.

Mr. Singh wrote, "We hope that MacFUSE will not only make several existing FUSE file systems readily available to Macintosh users -- typically, right out of the box -- but will also help Macintosh developers give vent to their creative fervor and come up with innovative products and file systems that we have never seen before."

Details on MacFUSE have been made available on the project page.