Griffin Tech Shipping First Full Version Of Final Vinyl

Griffin Technology, Inc. has released the first full public version Final Vinyl 1.0. Final Vinyl is an audio recording app designed for transferring audio from vinyl records to a users system. The app features a ten band equalizer and editing abilities. According to Griffin Technology:

Griffin Technology, Inc. today announced the release of Final Vinyl beta version 0.7, a free music riffin Technology, Inc. today announced the release of Final Vinyl version 1.0.

Final Vinyl allows the recording of vinyl records using just the Griffin iMic or PowerWave and a turntable. Previously, the entire stereo system would be needed. Now, the record player can be connected directly to an iMic or PowerWave.

Final Vinyl can be used to record instruments, microphones, tapes and any other analogue source. It includes a 10-band equalizer that is capable of significantly altering and enhancing the sound input. It also allows editing of audio via a new waveform-editing window.

You can find more information about the Final Vinyl release at the Griffin Technology, Inc. Web site. Final Vinyl is available as freeware, and the iMic is available for US$35.00.