Ham Exam App Updated With Tech Exam Corrections

Black Cat Systems has released an update for Elmer, bringing it to version 5.0.1. Elmer is a testing app designed for ham radio enthusiasts looking for preparation for the FCC licensing exams. The update features Technician exam corrections. According to Black Cat Systems:

Black Cat Systems announces that Elmer version 5.0.1, has been released.

Elmer creates sample tests to help you prepare for your ham radio written examination. It contains all FCC question pools for each of the three written exams: Technician, General, and Extra Class.

Elmer will grade your sample test, showing you which questions were answered incorrectly. It will also indicate if you passed the exam. Elmer keeps track of quick questions give you difficulty, and custom tailors exams to emphasize these questions.

The latest version includes some corrections to answers for Technician level exam practice.

You can find more information about the Elmer update at the Black Cat Systems Web site. The Elmer update is free for registered users, while the full version is available for US$24.99.