Intstall Better: Installer VISE For OS X Updated

MindVision Software has updated their installer application, Installer VISE, to version 7.3. Installer VISE allows developers to easily build installers for their software, and the new version offers improved support and compatibility with Mac OS X. According to MindVision Software:

To coincide with Appleis Worldwide Developers Conference, MindVision Software today ships Installer VISE 7.3.


With expanded support for installs on Mac OS X, Installer VISE 7.3 brings features such as:

  • Install files to Mac OS X or Classic Installers launched on Mac OS X can install files to any domain, or to the Classic environment. This enables the installer to install Classic and Carbon versions of software at the same time.

  • Enhanced user authentication. When an install requires special access privileges, Installer VISE can do one of the following:
    • Prompt the user for user name and password, and authenticate that information before proceeding.
    • Allow the install without prompts for name/password if the user is already logged in as administrator.
    • Display a message and cancel the install if the user is not logged in as administrator.

  • Gestalts for Mac OS X, OS X Admin. Now you can check a system for Mac OS X and/or detect the useris access privileges before you install software. Installer VISE lets you assign these and other gestalt checks to any install item in your archive.

Licensing for Installer VISE for Macintosh begins at US$275/year. You can find more information at the MindVision Software Web site.