Join TMO For A Live Chat During The WWDC

W e have more ways for you to hang out during todayis WWDC than Carteris has pills. Actually, we have three ways, and Carteris is known to have had more pills than that, at least in its heyday. In any event, you can join us in the TMO forums, where everyone is in a tizzy over the WWDC, join us in our live chat channel, or just hang out wildly refreshing the page on our WWDC 2003 Live Coverage page. [Note: Wildly refreshing the page probably shouldnit commence until the keynote begins.]

The event begins at 10:00 AM, Pacific (1:00 PM, Eastern). If you wish to join us in the TMO chat channel for live (moderated) discussion of the event, you can check out the link above for detailed instructions on setting up an IRC client to work in our channel.

We also have a Super Secret TMO Chat Client Project™ for those who donit want to mess with a full-blown IRC client. Itis called TMO Chat, and it seamlessly and easily connects you directly to our channel, without you having to configure a thing. Technically, the project is still in beta, but weive been testing it for some time, and it works well. We will be making a more formal announcement in the future, but for those who want to be able to chat now, we felt we should let the cat out of the bag.

The file is a 1.1 MB download, and TMO Chat works only in Mac OS X. Itis a Cocoa app, and is very easy to use. It features graphical smilies, spell checking (if you want it), a fully configurable interface, automatic update notification, and a completely hassle-free way to log on to IRC. Just launch it, and it will auto-connect you to a chat room with lots of other TMO readers. Best of all, itis a moderated environment, so you donit have to worry about rude or inappropriate behavior.