Madison Square Garden, New York Yankees Preview Web Site Using OS X

The Madison Square Garden Network, the current broadcast partner for Major League Baseballis New York Yankees, has just launched a new and improved Web site. During a Yankee broadcast last week, while talking about the features of the new site, a TV camera focused in on a computer screen showing the front page layout of the new site.

Much to our surprise the page was being shown on a computer running Internet Explorer 5.1 and Mac OS X. The unmistakable blue Apple in the top left corner of the screen, along with the presence of the menubar and the "gum drop" window widgets immediately pegged the screen as Mac OS X. As we looked at the picture longer, which was on camera for roughly ten seconds, it was obvious that it was the Internet Explorer interface with the blue IE "E" in the top right corner of the window.

There was no Dock present, so it is our guess that the Dock was simply hidden as there was no mistaking OS Xis stunning Aqua interface, even through a fuzzy picture over a TV camera.

Interestingly enough, the MSG site itself is decidedly not OS X friendly, as Real Player and Windows Media Player are used for multimedia content, not QuickTime. As many OS X users are aware, there are currently no OS X implementations of Windows Media Player or Real Player.

If you have seen a Macintosh in any cool places, let us know in our forums or in the comments below. If you are interested, you can find more information about MSG and the New York Yankees at the new MSG Network Web site.