NPR Reports On The Loss Of The Happy Mac

N PRis All Things Considered is known for its outstanding coverage of imporant events around the world. This week, that apparently includes such hot-button topics as Appleis decision to get rid of the Happy Mac icon during the startup of Mac OS X 10.2.

The news program aired an interview with Jonathan Duke of the Boston Macintosh Usersi Group discussing the demise of the happy Mac icon that weive seen at startup for so many years."It was really tough to get angry with a computer that smiled back at you," Duke said on August 26this All Things Considered segment, saying that the new Apple logo was "corporate" and that heid miss the smiling Mac icon.

You can hear the interview in full at the NPR All Things Considered Web site. It includes comments from an Apple exec on the issue, and more from Jonathan Duke. Youill need a RealAudio-capable player to hear the stream.