New iMac Concept Design? We Hope So, It Is Striking (With Pic)

Terminal 34 has posted an article discussing the process of designing, producing, and testing Macintosh hardware. It has been rumored for some time that Apple uses clear cases for early prototype models to keep the final fit and finish a secret for as long as possible. The Terminal 34 article argues that this could also be the case due to monitoring the technical "innards" of new machines. Either way, it is clear that there are some neat looking pieces of Mac hardware floating around.

More interestingly, the article shows an advertisement for the "iMac 2." While we have no way of even guessing whether or not the picture might be genuine, the design is certainly breathtaking.

It is fairly clear that Apple must do something with the iMac franchise. The computer that brought the company back from the grave is now terribly outdated and in desperate need of a major revision. Hopefully it will be as good as this.

You can find the full article at the Terminal 34 Web site. The also have a larger version of the image you can get to from the article itself, so we definitely recommend that you go and check it out.