NewsHunter Updated To 2.0.2

Parker Software Development, Inc. has released an update for NewsHunter, bringing it to version 2.0.2. NewsHunter NewsHunter is an automatic download utility designed for Usenet newsgroups. The update features improved an Article Queing window and minor bug fixes. According to Parker Software Development:

Parker Software Development has released NewsHunter 2.0.2. This release addresses the following issues.

The Article Queue window sees a new layout and even more improvements. Search results are displayed independently of other articles. A Show All button has been added which lets you reload the complete list of articles.

A bug that would sometimes cause NewsHunter to not save files when the "Donit Decode Files" option was enabled has been fixed.

A bug that caused NewsHunter to assign XOVER files to the wrong newsgroup or no newsgroup at all has been fixed.

You can find more information about the NewsHunter release at the Parker Software Development, Inc. Web site. NewsHunter 2.0.2 is a free upgrade for registered users, while the full version is available for US$49.95.