NewsHunter Updated With Speed Improvements And UI Mods

Parker Software Development, Inc. has released an update for NewsHunter, bringing it to version 2.1.3. NewsHunter is an automatic download utility designed for Usenet newsgroups. The update features several enhancements including improved Article Queue speed and interface mods. According to Parker Software Development:

Parker Software Updates NewsHunter, Archer, and ArcherPro.

NewsHunter continues to improve.

Version 2.1.3 enjoys many new features. For example, the Article Queue window is now significantly faster than in previous releases. A "Reveal in Finder..." button has been added to the Decoding Tab so that you can quickly be taken to the displayed image in the Finder.

A new checkbox appears on the Home tab that lets you decide if NewsHunter should a) download queued articles and then the rest of the articles in the newsgroup or b) download queued articles and then stop.

Two new buttons appear on the Subscribe to Newsgroups tabthat let you subscribe to and unsubscribe from newsgroups. You can still double-click on the newsgroup name as well. A bug in the Post Pictures window which prevented certain news clients from correctly decoding files posted by NewsHunter has been fixed. A bug which caused thumbnails in the Post Pictures window to be rendered incorrectly has been fixed.

You can find more information about the NewsHunter update at the Parker Software Development, Inc. Web site. NewsHunter 2.1.3 is a free upgrade for registered users, while the full version is available for US$49.95.