Oni Save Game Editor Released

It has been a busy week for gamers who love Oni, Bungie Softwareis fast paced 3rd person fighting/adventure game. Just yesterday we posted the announcement for a key config application by Geoff "Sniper Geoff" MacIntosh. Today, we are able to bring you the link to download a new save game editor, called the Oni Save Game Editor (go figure) or OSGE for short.

Designed by Tobias Opfermann, the OSGE has a host of special features that make the Oni experience so much more enjoyable. Here is some information from Onishots:

For each individual save point, you can alter:

  • ballistic ammo
  • energy cells
  • shots left in your current clip (!)
  • health
  • shields
  • hypos

You can choose the weapon of your choice, enable cheats, enable invisibility, max everything...have a look at the screeshot of the program in action.

For those who like the ability to tweak their gaming experience, this little app is for you. Head on over to OniShots for the free download.