Particle Debris (Week of June 16)

A secondary story that caught my attention this week was from Radio Ink. It seems that radio (not satellite) listenership amongst people aged 14-24 is up for the first time in awhile. They survey, "Youth Radio and New Media" said that 54 percent are listening to radio a little more than in the past.

The research was good news for terrestrial radio which hasn't had much to celebrate. Even so, I am skeptical. I keep an iPod shuffle in my car, plugged into the sound system, and I always prefer my own songs compared to what's playing on FM. That's one reason I dropped the new car free subscription to XM radio a long time ago. I guess it's good news in the sense that the more people enjoy music, the more they're going to explore conventional radio -- even if it is commercial-ridden AM and FM.

Another interesting story was at ChannelWeb on the Winds of Change for IT Managers. This story basically reiterated that IT managers are being read into the new culture and they better get up to speed fast. The key statement by the consultant was:

"The second point, [Robert] Anderson said, is becoming increasingly important, as now end users are driving many of the solutions IT evaluates and deploys. He used the incoming crop of recent college graduates ready to join the work force as an example: they are used to high-powered computing, social networking, mobility and text messaging. Not catering to that group could not only drain the potential talent pool, but ultimately affect the bottom line.

When I think about stories that MacBooks are the cool thing to have on campus and PC notebooks are considered suitable only for dunces, I am beginning to think that Apple has done a wonderful job, call it insidious, with its marketing campaign and OS X quality and security. Ten years ago, IT Managers could come up with all kinds of pseudo-reasons to avoid a Mac when it had 1.8% market share. Today, however, that new college graduate is going to be UNIX, Mac, Networking, iPod and iPhone savvy. The message is, get on board or be left behind by a new breed of companies that will steal your talent and leave you in the dust.

Midweek, I got a nice e-mail asking me to provide feedback on my WWDC experience. It was excellent this year, and I wrote about it in my WWDC reports. One thing that struck me about the photo, however, was amusing. During the WWDC week, I did lots of head counts, and I could only account for about 2 percent women at WWDC. However, the picture in the e-mail from Apple shows four women in a gang of about 20 guys. The contrast in the perception/image presented by Apple and the reality was interesting.

WWDC Experience.jpg

Today, I read a story about the Flip Video camcorder at TVNewsday. Sorry, subscription required. Ted Landau wrote about it on May 27th in his blog, and apparently it's getting to be a popular item with TV news reporters.

Here's the key part:

Earlier that day, [reporter Jeff] Maher got a tip that city fire marshals were ready to burst into local schools that were behind on
safety inspections. With just half an hour's notice and no video crew, Maher dashed to Garfield Middle School where he captured the whole story with a camcorder no bigger than a pocket comb.

"I doubt if 90 percent of our viewers could see any difference," says Maher. "And it freed up a photographer to shoot another story, so it was much more efficient."

It seems to me that the Flip Video could be a real game changer, especially for things like Citizen Journalism at the summer Democratic and Republican conventions.

I actually spoke with a press representative with Psystar this afternoon. He said that Apple has not contacted them yet. And they've sold thousands of systems to date, according to the Psystar rep, many of which are running Mac OS X. Tom Krazit and Jason O'Grady have machines and will or already have reviewed them. I find it very interesting that Apple has taken no action so far, and it could well be that Psystar has found a legal way to do what they do. Time will tell.

Finally, I have to put in a good word for the SmileOnMyMac people who publish TextExpander. Needless to say, I do a lot of typing every day, and TextExpander nicely handles all the often used monetary and html strings that I need over and over. I'm using it right now within MarsEdit as I write this blog, and I use it within BBEdit to compose my stories. It's very cool and very helpful for anyone who writes for a living.

That's it for this week!