Plug-in Support Is Aperture's Winner Feature

The biggest new feature in Aperture 1.5 is the ability to add plug-ins to enhance the applicationis functionality, and it looks like thatis exactly what users have been wanting. The response to Apertureis new extensible architecture, according to Digit, has exceeded Appleis expectations.

Richard Kerris, Appleis Director of Professional Photography Partnerships, commented "We knew that there would be a lot of interest, but we received 150 emails from individuals, companies and organizations that all want to develop plug-ins for Aperture."

So far, Aperture plug-ins are available from the likes of Getty Images, iStockphoto, Connected Flow, DigitalFusion, ExpressDigital, Flickr, Pictage, PhotoShelter, and Soundslides.

The high level of interest in Apertureis plug-in support is good news for digital photographers, or anyone else that relies on the application. If there is some special function photographers need out of Aperture, now the feature can be added without waiting for Apple to roll it into a future update.