"Sex And The City" To Feature Mac Vs. PC Differences

Observers Jim Vliet and Tyler Lemke each sent us a note about the popular HBO show, Sex And The City. According to Messrs. Vliet and Lemke, there will be a showdown between two of the showis characters about the differences between Mac and PC users. Observer Jim Vlietis letter:

I saw in last Sundayis coming attractions a brief clip of this coming Sundayis episode (July 15, 2001) of the very popular HBO series "Sex and the City" that will apparently feature a head-on confrontation between two characters Carrie (the showis prime character) and her current boyfriend Aiden over their choices of personal computer. Carrie has been a strong Macintosh advocate, and her PowerBook with Apple logo is prominently seen in every episode.

This broadcast will once again bring to the publicis attention the differences between Macintosh and Windows. May I suggest you be ready for whatever fallout occurs!!

And what timing! A New York-themed television program discusses Macintosh just a few days before MacWorld Expo New York!!

Best regards,
Jim Vliet

Thanks for the notes to both Jim Vliet and Tyler Demke! If you have a Mac sighting, let us know.