Speaking Of Asante...John Haden On Tonight's MacOS Radio Show

Tonight, the MacOS Radio Network will feature Asanteis John Haden. Haden will talk about Asanteis strong ties to the Mac community, and what the networking companyis future plans are for the Mac OS. According to MacOS Radio:

So many names have come and gone in the networking world over the years. Yet Asante remains, and remains in no small part *because* (not in spite) of its strong commitment to the Mac. Thatis why weive chosen John Haden as our guest on this weekis edition of the MacOS Radio Network. John will talk with us about Asanteis long term commitment to the Mac, and about Asanteis many consumer and business products aimed at giving Mac users substantially faster and better access to both the Internet and Intranets.

We may also have a guest from the Mac Media community (as yet unannounced) and we will spend a good deal of time discussing the news of the past week, reading listener mail and, as always, talking about OS X.

The installation of the MacOS Radio Networkis new giant "pipe-o-bandwidth" was completed on schedule last Thursday. However, our ISP was unable to complete the transfer of all necessary routing and IP information to the new location in time, and, as a result, tomorrowis broadcast (October 23rd) will take place at the same colocation as previous broadcasts (meaning the aforementioned "pipe-o-bandwidth" will not be used). Listeners should rest assured, however, that this will be the LAST broadcast at the old location. The transfer should be complete and the server functioning here (with all the bandwidth we should need for a while) before midweek.

As always, the continued patience and patronage of our loyal listeners is monumentally appreciated.

You can tune into the MacOS Radio Network every Monday at 7:00 PM EST.