Steve Jobs Normally High Forbes Poll CEO Ranking Attacked By Lemmings

.Net is a no show, XP is stuttering, and the Department of Justice suspects the Gates Gang of not living up to the terms of the infamous lawsuit settlement. So what do some PC users with too much time on their hands wind up doing? How about attempting to soil Steve Jobsi good standing in Forbesi CEO Approval Rating Poll.

According to the fine folks at As The Apple Turns, some PC folks are bent on defaming our CEO of choice by flooding the Forbes poll with negative votes. From As the Apple Turns:

ALERT! It has come to our attention that apparently some Windoid site is attacking Steve Jobs in the only way they can think of: by encouraging mass voting against him in Forbesis monthly CEO Approval Ratings Poll . (Ooooo.) The last time we checked, Steve needed over 3,000 votes just to break even. Care to lend a hand?

TMO would like to thank Observer Lynda Fudold for alerting us to the situation.