The New York Post iChats About The iSight

In an article in the New York Post, the author looks at some of the items that Apple introduced alongside the G5, namely the iSight camera and iChat AV. The article looks at the iChat AV beta, and the iSightis ease of installation, picture quality, and the ability to focus and tune out ambient noise automatically. From the New York Post:

After plugging in iSight, Appleis new digital video camera, and installing iChat, Appleis new conferencing software, Mac users can at least talk with their buddies about Appleis gleaming aluminum G5 computer before they can get it in August.

Apple is pushing sales of the camera by making free beta versions of iChatis software available on its Web site. An official version isnit due out until the end of the year.

But the camera is already on sale on the Web and in stores for $149. "The camera just plugs in without configuring it," gushed Todd Benjamin, Appleis product manager for the G5 as he was beamed intothe Apple store in SoHo through iChat. "It recognizes who itis supposed to be focused on, and automatically adjusts."

You can read the full article at the New York Postis Web site.