Woz Elected To National Academy Of Engineering

O bserver Leslie Baker tipped us off to the fact that last Friday, the National Academy of Engineering honored 81 people from the United States and around the world by electing them as associates and members of the Academy. Among them was Steve Wozniak, cited for ithe invention and development of the first mass-produced personal computer.i

The press release states:

Election to the National Academy of Engineering is one of the highest professional distinctions that can be accorded an engineer. Academy membership honors those who have made "important contributions to engineering theory and practice" and those who have demonstrated "unusual accomplishment in the pioneering of new and developing fields of technology."

The Academy is an independent and non-profit institution, providing advice and support to the Federal Government on engineering and scientific matters, and conducting its own independent studies. New members are elected to the Academy by the existing members, of which there are now over 1,800.