Amazon Announces Kindle for Mac, Taking Signups for Availability

Amazon announced Tuesday that it will be releasing a Kindle app for the Mac platform. Like its Windows cousin, Kindle for Mac will allow users to read Kindle content on their Macs. A standalone Kindle hardware device is not needed, but for those users with a Kindle reader can sync that content with their readers.

Amazon's Kindle platform is currently the world's largest platform for Ebooks and digitally distributed magazines and newspapers. With rumors that Apple will be making its much-expected, but still unannounced tablet device a major Ebook platform, Apple and Amazon could become competitors for the first time.

For now, however, Mac users will have access to Ebooks, magazines and newspapers through Kindle first. Amazon has not announced a release date for Kindle for Mac, but the company said it was "coming soon." You can sign up for notification of its release at the above link.

Kindle for Mac Screenshot
Kindle for Mac Screenshot