Betsy Rafael, Apple vice president and Corporate Controller, will be retiring from the company on October 19, 2012. She joined Apple at the beginning of 2008 and has been responsible for managing the company’s finances.
Apple revealed Ms. Rafael’s retirement in an SEC filing on June 28. She is also the company’s Principal Accounting Officer.
Prior to working for Apple, Ms. Rafael worked for Cisco from 2003 to 2006 as the Principal Accounting Officer, and from 2006 to 2007 as Vice President and Corporate Controller. Prior to that, she worked Aspect Communications, Escalate Corporation, Silicon Graphics, and Sun.
Ms. Rafael isn’t the only executive retiring from the company in the coming months. Senior vice president of Hardware Engineering Bob Mansfield is also leaving the company, although Apple didn’t say when his last day on the job will be.
Apple hasn’t said yet who will replace Ms. Rafael.