Apple Says Steve Jobs Had Bug, Didn't Want to Miss WWDC

For those concerned about Steve Jobsi health after his thinner-than-usual appearance at the WWDC, Apple said he had been suffering from a "common bug," but that he simply didnit want to miss the World Wide Developeris Conference. The company issued a statement to DoW Jones after questions about Mr. Jobsi health arose concerning his appearance at the event.

"Heis been on antibiotics and getting better day by day and didnit want to miss WWDC," an Apple spokesperson told the news service. "Thatis all there is to it."

Concerns about his health started after he was diagnosed with a rare form of Pancreatic Cancer called an islet cell neuroendocrine tumor. That form of cancer was operable, and Mr. Jobs successfully underwent that surgery in 2004. Since that time, fluctuations in weight or appearance have often been questioned, largely because Appleis stupendous success tied directly to Steve Jobsi leadership of the company since his return in 1997.

Such was the case after the WWDC keynote, where much of the presentation was conducted by executives Scott Forstall and Phil Schiller, and Mr. Jobs appeared thinner than he has in the past. Appleis explanation suggests there is little to be concerned about.