iBook Icons With An OS X Feel

Less than one week after the release of the updated line of iBooks and OS X Beta, the Iconfactory has announced a set of icons optimized for OS X depicting the latest iBook colors. According to Iconfactory:

The Iconfactory was among many who expected the one-year-old iBook to receive an overhaul at the Paris Apple Expo this past week. Sure enough, Steve broke the news: brain-searing Key Lime and demure Indigo will join digirati flavor-fave Graphite in the iBook lineup. The news wasnit even hours old before the Iconfactory started receiving queries about the availability of icons in the new colors.

With a recent IF interview appearing at MacWeek over the debate about Apple icon / UI guidelines, we thought it best to put our "money where our mouth was" and release a set of icons that illustrated our take on OS Xis thumbnail icons. The new iBook flavors provided a perfect opportunity to design and create icons based, not on photo-realistic or stock imagery, but rather, simple and graphic translations of the hardware that work well at all icon sizes.

Dave Brasgalla completed the task and "iBook X" is now available in the Iconfactory Showroom for download. The set not only works with the new public OS X beta, but also for earlier OSis as well. No matter what size you prefer, youill find freeware icons of all five iBooks waiting for you right now at The Iconfactory.

You can see the whole icon set, and find more information, at the Iconfactory web site.