iOS Devices Climb Over 220 Million

Since Apple first introduced the iPhone in 2007 the company has shipped over 220 million iOS devices, according to COO Tim Cook. That number was revealed during Apple’s third quarter earnings conference call Tuesday afternoon.

That 220 million figure includes iPhones, iPads and the iPod touch. The iPod touch also accounts for over half of the total number of iPods sold.

Over 220 million iOS devices? Yep.iOS device count tops 220 million world wide

Apple sold some 20.34 million iPhones during its third fiscal quarter, along with 9.25 million iPads. The company reported US$28.57 billion in earnings and $7.31 billion in earnings.

The third quarter numbers rank as the company’s best to date, and iPhones sales were up 142 percent compared to the same quarter last year.

Apple hasn’t released a new iPhone yet this year, but is expected to roll out upgraded models around September. The company has already said it will release iOS 5 this fall, and a new iPhone launch could coincide with the OS update.