Apple CEO Steve Jobs may be preparing to lock horns with preservationists over his house in Woodside, California, again now that he has requested a new demolition permit for the property. The preservationist group Uphold Our Heritage has already successfully sued once to stop the demolition of the property, commonly called the Jackling House, and could potentially attempt to block the tear down again.
The organization successfully stopped the demolition in 2006 after claiming Mr. Jobs and the town of Woodside failed to produce documentation that showed the house would be more expensive to preserve than to replace. According to the San Jose Mercury News, the new demolition filing shows it would cost over US$13 million to renovate the property, and $8.2 million to build a new house.
Mr. Jobs wants to clear out the mansion so he can build a smaller house on the property.
Preservationists are hoping to save the house for its historic value. The house was originally built in 1925 for Daniel Jackling who made his fortune in copper mining. Mr. Jobs lived in the 17,250 square foot house in the 1980s, and then later used it as a rental property. It has been vacant for about ten years.
According to the filing, Mr. Jobs hasn't been able to find anyone interested in moving and restoring the house. Uphold Our Heritage, however, is claiming that no recent efforts have been made to find a buyer.
The Woodside town council will review the demolition permit on April 28.