Reports are coming in that some users with early access to iOS 5 already have access to the Newsstand store for purchasing magazines for their iPad. Newsstand is a new feature included with iOS 5 that manages magazine purchases and subscriptions through an iBooks-like interface.
Newsstand for the iPad
iOS 5 users can tell if they have access to magazine subscriptions and purchases by launching the Newsstand app, then checking the upper right corner for the Store button. If the button is dim, store access isn’t available yet.
Apple will be releasing iOS 5 at some point on Wednesday. It requires an iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S, a third or fourth generation iPod touch, or an iPad or iPad 2. The update will be available for free through iTunes 10.5.
Apple has already opened iCloud ahead of the iOS 5 rollout, and has released AirPort Utility and Find My Friends for iOS 5.
The Newsstand app is installed as part of the iOS 5 upgrade.