Steve Jobs Bio Available at iBookstore, Amazon, Audible

The official biography of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs started shipping on Monday, just as the publisher, Simon & Schuster promised. The book is available through several retailers including Apple’s iBookstore, and

Steve Jobs biographyThe book was written by the well known biographer Walter Isaacson who spent the better part of two years interviewing Mr. Jobs, his family and friends, and business colleagues. He conducted more than 40 interviews with Mr. Jobs for the book, and hundreds more with other people from his life and work.

Mr. Jobs passed away on October 5 following a prolonged health battle brought on by a metastatic pancreas neuroendocrine tumor. Mr. Jobs was diagnosed with the tumor in 2003, and later received a liver transplant, too.

The biography, simply titled “Steve Jobs,” is priced at US$16.99 at the iBookstore, and $29.95 as an audible book at the iTunes Store. $17.88 at or $16.99 for the Kindle edition, and $34.99 at

[Updated with pricing for the audio book at the iTunes Store. Thanks, John.]