Today is the last day for comments to be submitted about revisions "net neutrality" rules the FCC is considering. If you aren't familiar with the issue, I gave an overview earlier this year right here at TMO. If you don't want to read, you might want to check out John Oliver's brilliant breakdown from Last Week Tonight, included below (language warning, it's bleeped but it's in there). You can submit comments two ways: You can send an email to [email protected] or you can use a prefabbed letter from the Electronic Frontier Foundation at its site Dear FCC. Either way, keep in mind you are filing a document as part of an official FCC proceeding and your name and address become part of public record. Those comments will be accepted until 11:59PM Eastern Time tonight, so if you haven't taken action already, now is your chance.
Check It Out: Net Neutrality Comment Deadline Is Today