As a child of the 70's and 80's, I have a soft spot in my heart for Underoos, the fantastic underwear that looked like actual outfits for Supergirl or Wonder Woman or other characters. It was a tragedy when they disappeared. Luckily, not only are Underoos back, but they are back in adult sizes! Exclusively available at Hot Topic, there are eight varieties at the moment: Batman, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Captain America, He-Man, Skeletor, Superman, and Wonder Woman. This is one of those times when you may actually have to brave the mall, they appear to be entirely sold out online and it seems the sold-out ones vanish from the Hot Topic site. While it's fantastic they exist, you may find it difficult to get your hands on them, at least for now. But now you know, and as another 80's favorite explained to me, knowing is half the battle…
Check It Out: Underoos! Now in Adult Sizes!