CES 2015 - Valedo: Get Your Back in Shape with Your iPad

LAS VEGAS - Staying on top how healthy you are typically hasn't included dealing with reducing ongoing pain, but Valedo is doing just that with it's set of light weight sensors. Instead of a bulky and unwieldy contraption with snaps and buckles, Valedo uses medical adhesive to keep its two sensors in place. Once there, you can play specialized iPad games to reduce back pain and strengthen your muscles. The company said it's planning on updating its software so you can track motion on other parts of your body, too. We checked out Valedo at CES 2015, and were surprised at how well it worked. You can pick up the two-sensor set for US$359 at the Valedo website.

Check It Out: CES 2015 - Valedo: Get Your Back in Shape with Your iPad

CES 2015 - Valedo: Get Your Back in Shape with Your iPad