Wired Posts New Photos of Apple's Spaceship HQ

Wired has published a couple of dozen new (to the public) renderings of Apple's so-called Spaceship HQ, or Campus 2.0. The magazine went cawling through the bowels of the City of Cupertino's website, and came up with all these new images of what this fabulous building will look like. In the example I included, for instance, we see, 1.) the bridge of an actual spaceship; 2.) a scene from a SciFi thriller set in the year 2139; or, 3.) a planned lobby in Apple's building. Your pick, but any way you look at it, it's cool. There are also new shots of the outside, lots of renderings with people and cars inserted into them for scale and placement, many shots of the outdoor parks and other landscaping through the complex, parking, and much more. It's worth your time.

Check It Out: Wired Posts New Photos of Apple's Spaceship HQ

Wired Posts New Photos of Apple's Spaceship HQ