John and Dave discuss solutions for listeners' AirPort problems, full hard drives, what to do when sending a laptop in for repair and more. Then they share listener tips for connecting to NTFS file systems and decompressing RAR archives. Send in your question and the geeks will likely get you an answer, perhaps even on a future show! Subscribe now and never miss another episode again. It's free!
Note: Shownotes are complete!
- Square Root Day
- Pi Day
- South by Southwest 2009
- Radius Atomic Bass
- Radius Atomic Bass for iPhone
- Apple Product Specs
- A gamer’s take on the new Mac mini
- Macintosh 128K: Technical Specifications
- Resetting AirPort Express
- AirPort Express status light (LED) behavior and meanings
- Speed Test
- Discover
- Wi-Fi Protected Access
- Wireshark
- iStumbler
- The Sword of Shannara: The Shannara Series, Book 1
- Spring Cleaning 10
- Monday's Mac Gadget - Need to Free Some Disk Space? Check out Xslimmer!
- Monolingual
- OmniDiskSweeper
- Setting up firmware password protection in Mac OS X
- I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today
- MacBook Pro: For maximum performance, upgrade memory in matched pairs
- Matched RAM on Intel Macs
- Tom's Hardware
- My hovercraft is full of eels (in many languages)
- macfuse
- NTFS for Mac OS X 7.0
- Zipeg
- BetterZip
- You're downloading today's show from CacheFly's network
- BackBeat Media Podcast Network
- MacGeekGab AAC Enhanced Feed - Thanks to of iPhone Alley.
Podcast Marketplace Sponsors: Audio Engine, Bare Bones, SmileOnMyMac, Circus Ponies, and Audible.