QuickTips, including offline dictation on iOS, audio sync with AirPlay and 25 hidden iPhone features. Then your questions are answered, including moving backups from one drive to another, a strangely-starting MacBook, what the best small desktop speakers and what to do with lost+found items. All this and more, just for you!
Note: Shownotes are complete!
Stuff mentioned:
- Quick Tip: Offline Dictation with iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus (5:12)
- How to Use the Command Line to Make the Dock Appear Faster on Your Mac (7:04)
- Use AirPlay to wirelessly stream content from iTunes on your computer (8:31)
- 25 hidden iPhone features that are really, truly hidden (10:31)
- Download your past purchases (13:22)
- How to use QuickTime Player (15:46)
- Disk Utility (El Capitan): Restore a disk image to a disk (19:06)
- Plex (27:30)
- OS X: About OS X Recovery (33:14)
- Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac
- Audioengine A2+ Speaker (40:47)
- A5+ Speakers
- Downcast
- Overcast
- iMazing
- Designate a System Photo Library in Photos (54:00)
- Getting started with Apple’s Photos
- PowerPhotos
- kmttg OS X Installation (1:05:13)
- pyTiVo
- OWC Retina MacBook Pro SSD upgrades
- OS X Terminal file(1) command (1:12:25)
- The Mac Geek Gab iPhone app
- You're downloading today's show from CacheFly's network
- BackBeat Media Podcast Network
- MacGeekGab AAC Enhanced Feed - Thanks to Michael Johnston of The iOS Show and Applr.