Apple To Post Q2 Earnings Report This Wednesday

Apple will be reporting its earnings this week on Wednesday, April 17th. The company is expected to post lower than expected earnings due to supply constraints on the iMac product line, and component pricing pressure. UBS Warburg analyst Don Young was the latest Wall Street analyst to say that Appleis fiscal 2nd quarter would be constrained, but that the companyis 3rd and 4th quarters would be strong. Mr. Young raised Appleis stock rating to a "Strong Buy" at that time.

The Mac Observer will be bringing live coverage of the event barring technical issues. Apple has not yet announced a Web stream of its Q2 conference call, but has streamed the last several such events to comply with SEC disclosure regulations.

Apple closed at 25.06 on Friday, on volume of 5,718,600 shares trading hands. We have a specific thread on the Q2 earnings report in the Apple Finance Boards.

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