Picasa and iPhoto: Free Web Photo Albums

Using iPhoto to create Web albums is easy to do, but Apple designed its image management application to work with .Mac. If you want to use iPhoto to share pictures online without paying the annual fee .Mac requires, you can use Googleis Picasa online photo album service instead. Youill need a free Google account, and the free Picasa plug-in for iPhoto, both available at the Google Web site.

After you download and install the Picasa plug-in for iPhoto, hereis what to do:

  • Launch iPhoto. You can find it in the Dock and Applications folder.
  • Select the photos you want to include in your online album.

  • Select the iPhoto images you want in your Picasa album.
  • Choose File > Export.
  • Click the Picasa Web tab.
  • Enter your Google account login name and password. If you havenit activated your Picasa Web site yet, iPhoto will launch your Web browser so you can complete the activation process.
  • If your Picasa Web site has already been activated, you can enter an album title and description in iPhotois Export Photos window.

  • Give your Picasa album a name.
  • Click the Export button to upload your images to your Picasa Web site.

You can create multiple albums on your Picasa Web site just like you can with a .Mac account - complete with online slideshows and built-in RSS support. But since your Google account and Picasa Web site are free, you can save your self a hundred bucks a year if you arenit using any of .Macis other features.

Your iPhoto images, ready to go on your Picasa Web site.
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