Stone Design Ships Universal Binaries for 14 Apps

SAN FRANCISCO -- Stone Design on Tuesday released Universal Binaries for the 14 applications found in its Stone Works suite. The update, available from the developeris download page, covers the page layout tool Create, the image processing software iMaginator, PhotoToWeb, the PDF creator PStill, the time tracking and billing tool TimeEqualsMoney and SliceAndDice, which turns images into linkable Web pages.

Stone Works also includes FontSight, which enables the addition of visual font menus to native OS X applications; the Web animation utility GIFfun; the global weather checker GlobalWarmth; the PDF watermarker StampInStone; PreferenceCommander, which manages sets of preferences for any application; the PhotoToWeb plug-in for iPhoto; PackUpAndGo, which allows users to archive and unarchive cross-platform tarball files; and the font converter TrueBlue.

In addition, Stone noted that its Mac OS X developer licensing solution LicenserKit is also now available with a Universal Binary.