Google Overtakes Apple in U.S. Smartphone Market Share

comScore this week released its mobile phone industry data for the three-month period ending November 2010, showing Google’s Android OS overtaking Apple’s iOS for second place in the U.S. smartphone market. Google’s share jumped from 19.6% in the previous period to 26%, while Apple nudged up from 24.2% to 25%.

RIM remains in first place, although its share dropped from 37.6% in the August period to 33.5% in November. Microsoft and Palm remained in fourth and fifth place, respectively, although both of their shares declined too: Microsoft went from 10.8% to 9% and Palm went from 4.6% to 3.9%.

Smartphone ownership grew 10% in the U.S., reaching 61.5 million users.

Among all mobile OEMs in the U.S., Samsung remained in first place, growing from 23.6% to 24.5%. LG, Motorola, RIM, and Nokia rounded out the top five, with none of them changing position from August.

comScore also looks at mobile content usage, which was unchanged from last time too: text messages are the most popular activity, followed by web browsing, app usage, social networking sites and blogs, games, and music.