iPhone 4 Movie: See What Pros Can Do with iPhone 4 Camera

A film shot and edited entirely with an iPhone 4 shows just how powerful Apple’s new iDevice can be, especially in the hands of a pro. At the same time, however, we think that it might inspire many an aspiring filmmaker, too, as the second half of this film offers behind-the-scenes footage that shows just how it was done.

The name of the film is Apple of My Eye, and it was directed by Michael Koerbel, with the help of talented friends and family, and giant collection of model trains. Watching the main movie itself, few are likely to realize it was shot with a phone, but the behind-the-scene footage that follows makes it clear.

The movie below is a lower resolution version of the film. If you click through, you can see the 720p HD version.

Apple of My Eye - an iPhone 4 film - UPDATE: Behind-the-scenes footage included from Michael Koerbel on Vimeo.