Players Solve an Astrological Riddle in Gemini Lost

PlayFirst has released Gemini Lost, a game in which players build a community while trying to solve a riddle rooted in astrology. The game's characters were magically whisked away to an unknown land while exploring some ruins and must find their way back by solving the riddle.

To find the 12 astrological keys they need to power the teleporter that will send them home, players must solve more than 20 puzzles that unlock new abilities, tools, and challenges. They must also build more than seven unique tools, use 18 science upgrades to enhance the community, and earn 20 different skill trophies.

Pricing is US$19.99. System requirements call for Mac OS X version 10.4, an 800MHz G4 processor, 256MB RAM, and 55MB hard drive space. PlayPass subscribers can buy the game for $9.95.