iPhone Watch Case Costs $38K, Upgrade Path Available

The company also told The Mac Observer that customers will have an opportunity to adapt the case to the next generation of iPhones. We can hear the rousing choruses of “Hoorah!” echoing throughout…wherever it is that people who can spend $38,000 on an iPhone case hang out. We also asked De Bethune about other smartphones,…

Track Your Health Better

Health Tracker is a simple yet powerful program which helps you keep track of and graph any health related measurement. For example, if you are diabetic you could track your blood glucose levels. For weight loss, you could track your weight, measurements for various body parts, or your % body fat. Or, if you keep…

Track Your Weight And So Much More

Black Cat Systems has released version 2.0.0 of Health Tracker (formerly Weight Tracker), a graphing program to track health related measurements. Health Tracker now runs under MacOS X. In addition, a FAT version is also available for older systems.Health Tracker is a simple yet powerful program which helps you keep track of and graph any…