Will a Tablet Replace My MacBook?

The big still-wide-open question is what market demand will this new device meet? Of special interest to me in this regard is: Will the tablet be capable of acting as a smaller lighter-weight replacement for my MacBook Pro? I hope so. I’d love it if I no longer needed to lug along my MacBook. But…

Source Offers Photo of 10" Apple Tablet Glass [Updated]

We aren’t positive about how this device would be presented, but we thought it made the most sense in a vertical alignment. If it is legit, one would think that the slot at the top is for a speaker, while the hole in the upper left could be for a camera lens. The button on…

The Year When Apple's Tablet Means Good Enough Isn't

Consider the following chart that compares a conventional PC to a possible Apple tablet.What jumps out at me in this chart is that refinement, user interface, user experience, and low maintenance will be of paramount importance. A system dedicated to the user, always available on demand, must reach yet a higher level of excellence, even…

CES: Will 2010 Be the Year of the Slate (or Tablet)?

HP’s forthcoming slate, which was the centerpiece of Mr. Ballmer’s discussion of such devices, will have Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity as well as a multi-touch screen similar to what Apple has on its iPhone and iPod touch. Phil McKinney, HP’s chief technology officer of its computer division, said to Reuters: “We’ve been looking at this…

Analyst: Apple's iTablet to Use Verizon 3G Network, Others

Mr. Marshall also told ComputerWorld that unlike some analysts and in contrast to some news reports, he is convinced the device will have 3G connectivity, as opposed to being limited to WiFi. His assessment is based in part to unnamed sources familiar with the device. Concurring with scattered news reports over the last few months,…

The One Critical Success Factor for Apple's Tablet

I believe that the recent ruckus between Ruppert Murdoch’s News Corporation and Time Warner Cable will bear on the future of the Apple tablet. Here’s a recap: When broadcasters radiate their signals from towers, they do so with the consent of the FCC. The only revenue they receive is from ads, whether it’s local ads…

Is There a Market for Magazines on the iTablet?

The fundamental idea that’s being missed is almost quantum mechanical in its nature. The act of reading a magazine on a fabulous tablet computer will change the magazine experience so dramatically that using legacy industry metrics is practically irrelevant. iTablet concept. Credit: Jesus Diaz, GizmodoHere are some mistakes in thinking I’ve seen. Based on my experience…

Steve Wozniak: If Apple Releases the Tablet, I'll Buy It

Of course, Mr. Wozniak then amended that to, “There is no such thing,” so take it as you will In any event, Fusion-io was holding its press conference to announce that IBM was using a technology the company developed called High IOPS Adapter in SSD drives for some of its servers. Despite that, however, reporters…

TabletMac Trademark Transferred from Axiotron to Apple

The ModBook is a conversion product made from a MacBook (or MacBook Pro for the ModBook Pro) and a Wacom touchscreen tablet. Axiotron partnered with TMO sponsor Other World Computing (OWC) to market and sell the devices. TabletMac, however, uses an Apple trademarked name, Mac, in its own name, something that is often used to…

No Apple Tablet Until Late 2010

The latest rumors claim Apple is now planning on releasing a tablet with a 9.7-inch OLED display, and a second with a 10.6-inch TFT LCD display. Since OLED displays are still expensive, the smaller tablet is expected to cost Apple between US$1,500 and $1,700 and could be priced around $2,000.Apparently the OLED panels will be…

Analyst: Apple Tablet Isn't for Books

Mr. Abramsky spent some time discussing market opportunities with Apple’s Vice President of iTunes and Internet Services Eddy Cue, Vice President for Worldwide Mac Marketing David Moody, and CFO Peter Oppenheimer this week. What they seemed to focus on hinted at a tablet computer geared more towards video content than written content.”After music, video content…

iPod touch: Apple's New Retail Scanner

The iPod touch-based point of sale (POS) systems will include an add-on scanner that lets employees scan multiple barcodes at the same time. The new system should let employees scan a product’s price code, serial number, and product code in a single pass. In the case of the iPhone, it will scan the IMEI and…

Apple Stirs Muddy Waters with iPod touch Emphasis

Don’t get me wrong, it was a fine recap. Phil Schiller gave a great presentation, as far as presentations go. It’s just that when we’re treated to that sort of look back at most Apple keynotes/media event, they usually culminate with Apple changing the rules or seriously upping the ante in whatever category was on…

3rd Gen iPod touch Ad Focuses on Gaming

Apple’s new iPod touch ad The ad shows off the iPod touch’s built-in accelerometer as a game navigation control system, tap and swipe controls, and wireless multiplayer games, too. The commercial is available in QuickTime format at the Apple Web site.

iPod nano Gets Video Camera [Updated]

The new iPod nano with built-in video camera.The nano’s video camera supports 640 x 480 resolution at 30fps in H.264 format, and includes real-time effects such as film grain, thermal, x-ray and kaleido. It doesn’t, however, let users take still shots like the iPhone 3GS camera does.The new built-in radio includes a 15 minute buffer…

WSJ: Jobs Spearheading Apple Tablet

“Much of your information is incorrect,” Mr. Jobs said in an email.Unnamed sources claim that Mr. Jobs is involved in every detail of the tablet computer project, including advertising and marketing. The features and focus of the device, however, are still a big secret.Another mystery surrounds when Apple’s tablet will launch. Rumors have been circulating…

iTablet: The Truth is Out There & I Want to Believe

While other palm top computers of the day could barely understand gestures that the user had to learn, Apple’s device could recognized written text — almost any written text — with surprising accuracy. The Newton could sync data with host systems, act as a mobile library, and keep track of to-do list, calendar events, and…

Why the iTablet is Critical to Apple's Future

CEOs get paid to anticipate changes in the industry. Rupert Murdoch thinks he knows how to stem the financial losses of his publications. Whether he’s right or wrong, he’s trying to anticipate the future and avoid cruel fate. It’s also the responsibility of CEO Steve Jobs to think about what his company will look like…

What if Apple Travels a Different Path with iPad?

Based on what we know, Apple is reluctant to get into the Netbook market. These are cheap systems that use last generation parts to keep the price down. Much has been written about how Apple just doesn’t want to undercut the craftsmanship and power of its Aluminum MacBooks.Apple MacBook (unibody, late 2008)On the low end,…

How to Make Voice Calls from an iPod touch

Here’s what you’ll need: A Skype Account. (It’s free.) Purchase of Skype Credit. (Pay as you go. 2 cents/min) The Skype app from the Apple App Store. For iPod touch only: A compatible headset/ear bud set with microphone. A Wi-Fi connection. Note: this HOWTO also applies to iPhones, but because the iPhone has a built…

toffee Leather Sleeve

Carting your laptop around isnit always about function, sometimes itis about style. If you are looking for a minimalist sleeve for your MacBook or MacBook Pro that looks sharp, toffeeis leather sleeves just might fit your needs like, well, a glove. toffeeis leather sleeves are hand made from high quality full grain leather and sport…

Analyst: NPD Data Points to ~8 Million iPods Sold Last Quarter

analyst Gene Munster on Wednesday. He wrote: “While the Street consensus iPod unit number is 8.3m, we believe that the Street is expecting the number of iPods to be closer to 7.8m.” “We believe Street expectations for June quarter iPod units has become more and more conservative throughout the quarter and iPod units of 8.0m…