Steve Jobs, Fred Anderson: We Will Return To Profits This Quarter

All of the execs in attendance talked about the companyis efforts to reduce their inventory, control their, and ship the companyis new products now. Demand for the companyis new PowerBook G4 (which has begun shipping) and PowerMac G4 lines has been strong, and the company is on track to begin shipping the new high end…

AAPL Up More Than 10%, Closes Over 21

The results for the market were that many stocks were up, especially in the tech sector. Appleis stock took off early and never looked back, trading up more than 10% on almost twice the normal volume. Disney announced today that they would be terminating their "Internet Portal," and converting stock in that company into…

QuickTime Effects Pack Updated

Buena Software, Inc. is pleased toannounce the release of Effects Pack 1 v1.5 today. This update to EffectsPack 1 increases the quality of the effects, and significantly increasesthe processing speed of the effects. Also included in this update issupport for the AltiVec unit for maximum processing speed on G4 basedcomputers when you purchase the full…

App Makes It Easy To Save Images From Browser Cache

Ever viewed a movie in your browser, only to find out you could not save itto keep (i.e. donit have QuickTime Pro)? Ever wanted to browse your cacheand extract images, video, and text? Want to grab media files from internetweb sites (even if they are ilockedi)? WebXTractor (formerly just calledCacheXTractor) from Infamus Software allows you…

iKeeper Keeps Serial Numbers At Your Finger Tips

Have you ever had to call for tech support on a product only for them to ask you for your serial number or registration code or when you bought it? Have you ever visited a website where you needed to enter a user name and password to access some feature only to return at a…

APPL Closes Above 19 For First Time Since November Of 2000

"The expectation is that the worst could very well be over and that results from here continue to go higher," said George Godfrey, an analyst at ING Barings, who rates the shares "buy." Not much happening on the Apple front other than rumors of an update to Mac OS X Server expected in the spring.…

Musicians Get Tool To Make "MP3 Albums"

Infamus Software has just released AlbumWrap (shareware) and AlbumWrapExtractor for Macintosh and Windows platforms:Ever been searching for several tracks from one album? Itis hard to find oneperson that has every track… Considering the quality, bit rate, anddownload speed you desire, the time it takes to complete the task isconsiderable. AlbumWrap archives solve this program by…

Mega Minesweeper Updated

Carrot Software is pleased to announce the latest release of MegaMinesweeper for the Mac OS. MMS is a modern version of minesweeper thatsupports extreme fields sizes, plug-in based themes and sounds, the abilityto save games, and much more. MMS is a carbonized application designed for OS X Public Beta, or OS8.6/9.x with the CarbonLib 1.2…

iView Helps Keep Digital Media In Line

It offers a host of new features, some of which are outlined below: Mac OS 9 and OS X compatible. MediaPro is the only media browser capable of full PDF & EPS rendering. Other import formats include HTML, Quark, Canvas, Painter, Live Picture, Freehand, PageMaker, Illustrator, GIF, JPG, TIFF, PICT, GX, BMP, Targa, EPS, fonts,…

MACWORLD Vibes Can't Keep AAPL Up

Analysts had warned that without a version of Office, or a similar productivity suite, running natively under Mac OS X, Apple would face problems getting businesses to switch to the new operating system. "This is a very significant announcement for Apple," Gartner analyst Chris LeTocq said. "Frankly, this is the endorsement they needed." Until Wednesdayis…

Motorola Releases Details On Latest G4 Chips

Yesterdayis keynote speech included the pleasant surprise of brand new 733MHz G4 processors from Motorola. Rather than these chips simply being overclocked versions of the old chip (MPC7410), the new chip, the MPC7450, includes a host of new features and performance enhancements. Not only do the new chips run at a higher clock speed, but…

Import Old Movies, Create New Ones with Dazzle's Hollywood DV-Bridge

Ever since the introduction of FireWire-enabled Macs and iMovie, folks have had the ability to generate their own digital movies with relative ease. But this digital solution still leaves folks, especially those that donit have a computer, out of the action. There are many more people that have the ability to view good oli VCR…

Steve Jobs Makes It On "Win Ben Stein's Money"

Mr. Steinis game show on Comedy Central pits him against three players who win money for beating Ben to the buzzer with the correct answer to a variety of questions. That money comes from a pool of US$5000 that ostensibly belongs to Mr. Stein, hence the name of the show. The final round is comprised…

Make Your Windows Look Cool With Power Windows

Power Windows is a small control panel that taps into your Macis unusedprocessor power to perform amazingly cool effects with windows and menus.Power Windows was originally conceived to let you drag the entire contentsof windows instead of just a dotted outline. It offers both solid andtranslucent window dragging, and you can even enable multitasking with…

Who's Who Of The Mac Universe On Tonight's Mac Show

The first Mac Show of the new millennium is certainly going to set astandard difficult for following shows to achieve!Not only is it the show before next weekis Macworld Expo in San Francisco,but itis also the traditional “Macluminaries Show”.5 of the most recognizable names in the Mac industry will join Shawn andHilary on Wednesdayis show.…

The New Economy's Promise Fades in 2000

The Nasdaq owes todayis continued downtrend to investors dumping beaten down stocks in order to shave some taxes off their big capital gains made last spring. By the end of 2001 tech stocks should be partly recovered from the current bear market. However, there is at least another quarter of pain left for technology businesses…

The Dow Chugs Ahead while the Nasdaq Whimpers and AAPL Stagnates

Not much can be drawn from this weekis market performance. Institutional and private investors alike are rushing to square their portfolios for the year, emphasizing trends that may not hold in the new year. Appleis stock traded flat at 14 13/16 on volume of 5.4 million shares. With no sign of a pre-MacWorld bounce and…

Tech Stocks Compress Further On Tax Loss Selling

On the bright side, in years of strong tax loss selling —such as 1994 — a true "January effect" often kicks in, powered by institutions plowing recently withdrawn capital back into beaten down stocks. Williams Co. (WMB), an energy trading company involved in the emerging bandwidth market, announced earnings well above Wall Streetis expectations. In…

Blame Microsoft: Stocks Fall Across the Board

Triple witching option expirations and index changes in the Nasdaq 100 added volume and volatility noise to the market signal on Friday, but the message came through loud and clear: The stock markets are bracing for slower growth across the board in 2001 and tax loss selling as this year comes to an end. Next…

Business Week Author Plays Revisionist, Alters Anti-Apple Editorial

And itis not only the Cube thatis priced wrong. I visited Appleis online store and compared its top-of-the-line G4 to a similar model offered by Gateway on its Web site. The 500-megahertz dual-processor G4 with 256 megabytes of memory costs $7,598 from Apple. A 700-MHz Gateway with a single processor boasting the same memory goes…