Y2K. The bark that didn’t bite? December 13th, 1999 By your patience, Aunchient Pistol, Fortune is painted blind, with a muffler afore her eyes, to signify to you that she is blind; and she is painted also with a wheel to signify to you, which is the moral of it, that she is turning and…
Apple Stock Watch: Apple Finally Does It, Closes Over 100 For The First Time
For the first time in history Apple ends the trading session above the psychologically significant century mark, as some technology stocks staged a come back after yesterday’s profit taking. After flirting all week with the $100 level Apple advanced strongly, soaring 5 3/16 or 5.30% to close at 103 1/16 on a volume of 5.5…
The Mac Observer: The Apple Trader - Apple's Top Ten Things To Do List for the Year 2000
Apple’s Top Ten Things To Do List for the Year 2000 November 29th, 1999 Do I think machines will ever think? You bet. I’m a machine, and you’re machine, and we both think, don’t we? Claude Shannon Apple has been very busy since Steve Jobs came home in 1996. Much of the heavy lifting is…
The Mac Observer: The Apple Trader - The Sorcerer's Apprentice, or Why You Don't Want an Info Appliance Made by a PC Company
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, or Why You Don’t Want an Info Appliance Made by a PC Company November 22nd, 1999 Our goal wasn’t just to differentiate our product, but to create products that people would love in the future. Jonathan Ive, VP for industrial design at Apple As usual, Apple avoided an official appearance at Comdex…
Monday's Mac Gadget - Get Organized and Drop Your Drawers
Drop Drawers 1.0.1 ($15 Shareware) Sig Software The Mac OS has steadily improved with features that can be used to organize your data and launch applications. You can organize your data with a folder hierarchy, and even keep track of favorite Internet sites with the new Internet location files. To launch applications, there are several…
AppleCORE: Misfits, Rebels and Troublemakers -- Oh My!
AppleCORE Archive SEPTEMBER 30th, 1997 AppleCORE MIKE LAMBERT ([email protected]) Misfits, Rebels and Troublemakers — Oh My! "Here’s to the crazy ones." (That’s you and me, friend.) So begins Apple’s newest advertising era, which premiered September 28 during ABC’s showing of (wink-wink, jab-jab) Pixar Animation’s "Toy Story." The ad is part of the new brand advertising…
Happy Endings - What's Next for Newton
Happy Endings Archive OCTOBER 29th, 1997 Happy Endings Todd Stauffer ([email protected]) What’s Next for Newton I’m sitting in front of the Seahawks/Raiders game writing this piece on an eMate, Apple’s two-pound notebook computer based on Newton technology. It’s a useful little computer and a pretty good value. It’s not a multimedia presentation machine by any…
Happy Endings - Is Apple a Commercial Success?
Happy Endings Archive SEPTEMBER 29th, 1997 Happy Endings Todd Stauffer ([email protected]) Is Apple a Commercial Success? At 1:30 Monday morning I finally started fast-forwarding through Toy Story to see the Apple commercial spot that had been announced last week in an Apple press release. While it dawned on me that I should be…
AppleCORE: An Update And An Uproar
AUGUST 25th, 1997 AppleCORE MIKE LAMBERT ([email protected]) An Update And An Uproar I received an interesting e-mail from Bill Stewart-Cole, an independent computer consultant, who responded to last week’s edition of AppleCORE, entitled "Keep Your Chin Up." I’m sharing some of his comments with you, not just in the interest of fair and accurate reporting,…
The Mac Observer: The Apple Trader--Message Board Prophets
Message Board Prophets One of the things I like to do when researching stocks online is to go to message boards and see what investors are posting about a particular company. If you’ve never been to the various stock message or "discussion" boards you’re missing a real cybertreat. The message boards, talk groups, user groups,…
AppleCORE: Keep Your Chin Up
AUGUST 18th, 1997 AppleCORE MIKE LAMBERT ([email protected]) Keep Your Chin Up In an emotional snit several weeks back, I banged out a Webintosh perspective in which I questioned Apple’s future, based on fiscal quarter after fiscal quarter of multimillion dollar losses. My dramatic opinion concerning Apple’s viability was formed after reading (and actually believing) a…
AppleCORE: Is The Sky Falling Yet?
SEPTEMBER 15th, 1997 AppleCORE MIKE LAMBERT ([email protected]) AppleCORE Archive Is The Sky Falling Yet? On September 30, another fiscal quarter will come grinding to a halt at Apple. Anyone care to wager on the outcome of this one? I didn’t think so. How about next quarter, or the quarter after that (if there is one)?…
AppleCORE: This Dog Just Won't Die
AUGUST 11th, 1997 AppleCORE MIKE LAMBERT ([email protected]) This Dog Just Won’t Die Mention the name "Cyberdog" in some Macintosh circles, and you’re likely to incite a round of smirks and chuckles. And why not? Apple’s OpenDoc-based Internet access suite never quite turned out to be the end-all, be-all wired solution that Apple had hoped it…
Happy Endings - Will Apple's Online Store Thrive?
Well, word on the street (okay, on the Web) is that Apple is planning to go into the Web-based mail order business and sell systems directly to consumers. (By now you’ll probably have official confirmation one way or another, but, for me, a deadline is a deadline.) While many speculate that the model forged by…
AppleCORE: Where Are They Now?
SEPTEMBER 9th, 1997 AppleCORE MIKE LAMBERT ([email protected]) Where Are They Now? This is the first installment in an ongoing, in-depth series that will focus on former and current OpenDoc developers and software companies. When Apple Computer placed OpenDoc (and by extension, the company’s own OpenDoc crown jewel, Cyberdog) into maintenance mode on March 14 of…
Jobs Announces New Board, Microsoft Partnership
Jobs Announces New Board, Microsoft Partnership by: Todd Stauffer ([email protected]) Announcing sweeping new changes to Apple Computer, Inc.’s board of directors and a new partnership with Microsoft Corp., Steve Jobs, CEO of Pixar, also unveiled Apple’s new slogan at his keynote address in Boston: "Think Different." "What I see is the makings of a very…
AppleCORE: An Online State of Mind
AppleCORE Archive NOVEMBER 4th, 1997 AppleCORE MIKE LAMBERT ([email protected]) An Online State of Mind Microsoft’s latest advertising slogan — "Where do you want to go today?" — is as much a promo for the Internet and all its charms (albeit, Microsoft’s interpretation of it), as it is a showcase for Microsoft’s own products. The Microsoft…
Happy Endings - Apple: Thanks for the Quality
Happy Endings Archive OCTOBER 3rd, 1997 Happy Endings Todd Stauffer ([email protected]) Apple: Thanks for the Quality I’ve spent the last week with my hands in the innards of my computer while CD-ROMs spin out upgrades and experiments. After installing a new SCSI drive in my PowerCenter Pro, (finally) moving from a late beta of OS…