Aspyr and Kaplan announced Monday an agreement for Aspyr to bring Kaplan-branded games and other entertainment titles to market. The first such title is slated to be an SAT prep game intended to help students achieve better SAT scores.
"Students learn best when theyire engaged with the study content. While a video game shouldnit be seen as a substitute for a full prep course, itis an innovative and effective way to reinforce preparatory learning," Anthony Manley, General Manager of Pre-College Programs for Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions, said in a statement.
Kaplan has already released SAT-related offerings through iTunes, but the companies claim that the unnamed title announced today will be the first widely-released SAT prep video game on the market. Kaplanis background is offering test preparation courses and aids to both the education and business markets.
The titles the two companies will be working on jointly will available for Mac OS X, Nintendo DS, and Windows.